Oh...I'm not ready! My little man started first grade today...and mommy isn't ready. He is TOTALLY ready! There are just so many factors in this event that have all come to my realization and I have decided I'm not ready. I know he needs to grow up and this is all part of it, but that means he's growing up...does that make sense?
And then these pictures... it seems like he is just all grown up - standing against the car with the keys in his hand! What is he going off to college already?! Oh dear!
One of the biggest things for me with his being in first grade is that he is riding the bus! Oh my...this is all too much for me. I have been on the verge of tears today because of how much is so new for him - and me. The bus is HUGE for me...I am not driving him to school every day, which I did for Kindergarten. I won't be walking him to his classroom and getting him ready for the day. All of this he will be responsible for and do on his own. I'm sure there will be days when he misses the bus, which he almost did today, but it's still the idea that I am no longer needed for that and he is taking responsibility for things himself.
The bus showed up early this morning, which made us rush out of the car to the bus. I didn't get a picture of him getting on the bus or even get a hug from him before he ran for the bus, said hi to the bus driver and hopped on. Oh how big he is getting! As a mom, I about lost it when I didn't get to take a picture or give him a hug. However, I had to remind myself that today I was going to meet him at the school so I could get pictures of him getting off the bus and in his classroom.

As the bus driver stopped the bus and I was standing on the sidewalk waiting...I heard the most wonderful voice say "Mom!" and a little hand peek out from the window on the bus and wave! Oh, it made my heart melt :o) You might be wondering where my littlest was during this whole time. I was wearing him actually. I grabbed my moby wrap and threw it on before we walked out the door. I snuggled him down in the fabric and he just layed his head against my chest and fell right to sleep!
After he got off the bus, we walked inside the school and went to his classroom, which happens to be the first room on the left! He has Mrs. Bryan, who was my first grade teacher 22 years ago. I am so happy he was able to have her! His classroom was all put together and organized for the first day of class. He easily found his desk and sat down to put all of his supplies in the brown paper bag. Mrs. Bryan was going to help all of the children put their supplies away in an organized manner instead of just shoving them all in their desks...yes, I said desks. He has a desk! Not just a table he sits at like Kindergarten...an actual desk that opens and holds all of his things! Oh my...I really am not ready for this!
After he finished doing the little sheet of work at his table, we took his backpack out to the hall to hang at his spot. He found his number and hung it up. For some reason, I had to get a picture of the little area that will be where my boy hangs his backpack every day. So here it is ...
While I was taking this picture, Liam turned around and walked back to the classroom. I put my camera away and turned to walk back in the room and my little boy peeked out of the classroom door with a very worried look on his face. My heart warmed. He still needs me :o) I think I am a little more ready for this now.
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